336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


-       혼자서 게임하기

-       콘서트 보기

-       영화보기


취미 혹은 관심사

-       요리하기

-       음악 감상하기


즐겨하는 운동

-       농구

-       스키


휴가나 출장 경험

-       해외 출장

-       해외 여행



I am currently working as a senior engineer at XXX

My daily work involves developing embedded software on TV and designing software architecture.

That means I have to develop software program on TV such as MediaPlay which playing pictures, music and videos.

The other work is designing software for other developers working in local branches and outsourcing workers.

I think understanding the latest trends and innovative thinking are the most important things for a success software design.

So I always try to read a lot of books and research latest trends in software engineering

I find this work pretty challenging , but I enjoy working with people


l  My job is time-consuming and stressful


프로젝트 문제 해결 상황 제시

Mr kim, I have some bad news about our project.

A member of my team is in the hospital.

She was on a business trip and got the flu. She will be out of the office for at least a week

We can’t finish the project by the deadline without her

The rest of us are working hard to stay on schedule (일정대로 가다)

However, if you want us to complete the research, we need two more weeks, is that possible?

If you can assign us another person who can take over(담당하다) her par, we might be able to finish on time.

She was working on the phone design

Please let me know what you want us to do

프로젝트 팀원의 불화 해결

I experienced a problem with a coworker a year ago

It started when one coworker wasn’t doing work properly, while most of the team members were working hard for the project. This one woman was being sluggish(부진한, 느릿느릿 움직이는)

She used instant messenger to chat with friends all the time and didn’t perform in time

All members were very irritated(짜증이 난) with her.

I talked to her personally about the matter. But she got very defensive

I had no choice but to tell my team manager about the problem. Surprisingly, he already noticed the situation and told me that he would take care of it.

After that happened, my teammate’s attitude improved amazingly

I was impressed by how my team manager solved the problem and now he’s getting along well with other members.


l  I can catch up on my work : 밀린 일을 따라잡다.

l  Come down with fever : 열을 앓다.

l  I believe communication is the most important for a successful group project

l  Build a close relationship with partners


해외 여행

I love traveling overseas, whenever I can afford to fly overseas, I never hesitate to get a flight ticket.

One of the most memorable overseas trips was travel to JAPAN three years ago

The cherry trees are in full bloom just at the time

I was so excited about my first japan trip with my family which we have longed for.

As we took window seats we could enjoy breathtaking scenic view out the window

It took around one hours to fly to 기타큐슈 city

The city is famous for the hot spring and traditional port named 모지코

What caught my attention was clean street and friendly people

The town was surrounded by mountains and there are lots temple, the flesh air filled the temple

After hour of walking down around the city and we taking pictures, and we spotted a nice restaurant

The dish that I enjoyed there the most was 스시

I want to go back to visit in the future


집안일 거들기

Every weekend, I have to do the laundry, do the dishes and also clean the house

That’s because my wife is tired from doing a lot of household chores on weekdays

So when I have spare time, I usually doing to do household chores for her

First, I opened the windows, and I dusted all the furniture in each room, and then I vacuumed the floor and mopped thoroughly.

Once I finished cleaning the room, I threw out the leftovers from dinner into the trash bin outside, and washed the dishes very carefully.

It seemed like an endless job.

Because of this experience, I am really impressed with my wife’s toils and I understand how hard she works for my family

I felt refreshed after cleaning the room.




I usually go to a park with my family on the weekend

It’s good chance to be spend time with my family

Sometimes, we pack 김밥, rolled rice for lunch, or get some snack at local stall

In the park, we can see people doing different activities such as relaxing on the glass or playing badminton

And you can see parents bring their children there to play with, to meet other children and to spend some time

There are also walking trails that weave through these parks. I often see many people pushing their children in strollers as they walk through the trails

I see people simply enjoying themselves with their family because the parks are considered a place for them to relax and have fun.




When the weather is OK I go jogging in the early morning. I like to jog in the morning because I can feel the fresh air everyday

I usually go to a park near my house for jogging. It’s quite a big park and has a long walking track

I can see many people taking a walk or jogging along the track

I like to listen to my MP3 player while I jog. It takes my mind off the stress and worries

Jogging has many benefits for the body and mind

Jogging is a suitable for staying healthy as well as losing weight

Sometimes I come across my neighbors  while I’m jogging and we smile at each other or have some small talk, running together.

I think jogging is a perfect exercise for me because not only does it help me keep my health, but also it doesn’t cost anything. All I need for jogging is just sneakers

It gets rid of the stress and worriess


아이에게 책 읽어주기

I like to read to kids before bedtime

My wife want them asleep by nine o’clock. So I start reading to them at 8:30

We have a special bedtime storybook. It’s a collection of fairy tales from around the world

Their favorite story is JACK and Beanstalk. It’s about a boy who climbs a magical beanstalk and meets a giant.

I read stories to help them calm down and go to sleep. I read in a low, soothing voice. Sometimes I play quiet music in the background as well

They always drift to sleep before the story is over. This is my best time of the day

I feel like it’s a great a way for me to bond with my kids


아이에게 책 흥미 유발하기

I am sorry to hear that your son hates reading books, I thought of something that might help

First, Choose books that he will be interested in. does he like a certain animal or animation character?

Look for books about those things. Try to include books with many pictures or clothes, your son can touch them. You can ask him about the pictures in the book

This will help him stay focused.

Second, use different voices for different characters in a story. I started doing this with my kids. And they really like it.

Lastly, reward your son with snack when he finished a book. This will motivate him to read it.

If you do these things, reading will be more fun for him

Good luck and let me know how it goes.


독서 취미

I tend to read most of the bestsellers. This is because I want to gain knowledge in many different fields and give me a chance to think

I don’t have any particular book that I can state as my favorite, I recently read “부자사전” written by 허영만. 허영만 is one of the most favorite author, korean well-known writer who has lots bestsellers

It dealt with “rich people” before I read this book, I had bad image of rich person, greedy, selfish…

The book deals with 20 rich persons in korea and from those stories

I found that there are many rich people by their own effort not by their parents

and the key is “self-control” and “endeavor”. And it claims that positive thinking can create life changing result such as increased wealth, health and happiness

I can learn a lesson from other people’s stories


스포츠 관람

I watched a basketball game a week ago.

The tennis match was between A and B

Korea team played against japan

So many people were cheering loudly

There were more than 3000 people watching the game

It was such an exciting game.

Everyone was dress in red

My team won the game by a score of 95 80

It was close game : 아슬아슬한 경기였다.

It was so fun that I have become a fan of basketball

It was more than my expectation


I watched a University basketball game a month ago on a Sunday
with a whole bunch of(
많은 수의) my male friends at the Jamshil Stadium.
Yonsei played against Korea and there was a huge crowd at the game.
At first, I felt awkward,
because I wasn't a big fan of basketball and also because so many people were cheering loudly.
I tried to look for a less crowded area to sit,
but before I knew it,
I was up and out of my seat, rooting for the Yonsei team.
Yonsei was in the lead for quite some time, but the game eventually(
결국에는) ended in a tie.
It was such an exciting game.
I've become a huge fan of basketball now.



I enjoy cooking for my wife and children on Sundays

I feel really great when people make a feast of my dishes

: 사람들이 제 음식을 맛있게 먹으면 기분이 아주 좋습니다.


I like to cook all kinds of dishes.
I guess you can say that I like to experiment.
Although I mainly cook Korean dishes,
my husband loves my spaghetti.
My grandmother gave me her special spaghetti sauce recipe when I was little.
It's easy to cook and delicious.
Some of the basic ingredients you need are some ground beef, bell peppers, onion and some minced garlic.
Start cooking the ground beef in a pot with some butter
and then add the onions and other vegetables.
When the vegetables are cooked,
add 2 cans of tomato sauce and a little bit of tomato paste.
You can throw in any of your favorite veggies or seafood.
Let the sauce simmer for a while,
and you're done!



좋아하는 음악

Singing and listening to music helps me relax.
I enjoy going to singing rooms and karaokes with my friends and colleagues,
but I mostly enjoy singing while driving.
Singing in the car, with all of the windows rolled down,
is a great way to relive stress!
I used to listen to a lot of rap before,
I'm into ballads.
My favorite Korean singers are Kim Gun Mo, Sung Shi Kyung and Suh Moon Tak.
I listen very carefully to the lyrics of ballads
and I think many of their songs are beautiful.
They bring back a lot of my past memories.

with all of the windows rolled down :
창문을 모두 내린 상태로
used to~ : ~
하곤 했었다.



Last week, I returned from a business trip to New York.
I went with a group of people,
including my boss to finalize a very important business deal.
We checked into a five-star hotel and went to the hotel Spa.
We were there on a tight schedule,
so we were busy night and day(day and night) with client meetings for the first two days.
Fortunately, things went well and the contracts were signed.
We finally had some time to shop and look around the Big Apple.
One of our clients was kind enough to show us around the city
and even treatedus to a nice dinner.
It was the best business trip ever
and I would love to go again with my family.
Hopefully, I'll then have a chance to look at the nooks and crannies of New York city.

including~ : ~을 포함하여, 함께
go well (
일이)잘 되다
day and night
treat someone A : ~에게 A 대접하다

'ⓔnglish > opic' 카테고리의 다른 글

사무실 일과 설명하기  (0) 2012.06.28
사무실 내부 묘사하기  (0) 2012.06.28
블로그 이미지

뚱땡이 우주인

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


-> 직장 생활을 한다고 답변하면 출제 빈도가 비교적 높은 문제 유형입니다. 사무실에서의 전형적인 하루를 출근 시점부터 퇴근 시점까지 생각나는 대로 서술하는 것이 좋습니다. '아침에 출근하면 ~을 가장 먼저 한다' 정도의 문장으로 시작하는 것이 무난합니다. 그 다음 오전, 오후로 나누어 어떠한 근무를 하는지에 대해 서술하고 진행되는 일에 따라서 근무가 어떻게 변화한다는 말도 덧붙이면 좋은 답변이 됩니다.




-> You indicated in the survey that you work. What is your normal workday like? Please describe your typical day at the office.


=> 설문지상에 직장 생활을 하신다고 답변하셨습니다. 일반적으로 평일에는 어떠한 근무를 하시나요? 사무실에서 보내는 일상적인 하루에 대해 묘사해 주십시오.



-> When I arrive at my office in the morning, I first check my office e-mails and memos. There are often meetings in the morning if we are starting a new project. If we are in the middle of a project, we normally have a meeting at the end of the day to check on progress. Some days, I mostly work at my desk all day. Other days, I have to run around outside the office to meet with clients. I usually get off work at seven in the evening, but when we are near deadlines, I sometimes have to stay late to get things done.


=> 아침에 출근을 하면 저는 가장 먼저 회사 이메일과 메모를 확인합니다. 새로운 프로젝트를 시작할 때는 주로 아침에 회의가 있습니다. 만약 프로젝트가 진행 중일 때는 진행 상태를 점검하기 위해 하루 일과가 끝날 무렵에 회의를 갖습니다. 어떤 날은 하루 종일 책상에서 일을 합니다. 그리고 어떤 날은 고객들을 만나기 위해 외근을 해야 합니다. 퇴근은 주로 저녁 7시에 합니다. 그러나 마감일이 다가왔을 때는 업무를 마무리하기 위해 종종 야근을 합니다.



-> I normally arrive at my office at 8 o'clock. The first thing I do when I arrive at my office is to check my daily schedule. I work at my dest for most of the day. Some of my co-workers have to run around outside the office to sign contracts. I get off work at different times every day depending on how much work I have. We all have to stay late when we are finishing a project.


=> 저는 주로 8시에 출근합니다. 출근하자마자 저는 하루 일과를 확인합니다. 저는 거의 하루 대부분을 책상 앞에 앉아서 일합니다. 직장 동료 중 일부는 계약 체결을 위해 외근을 해야 합니다. 저는 업무량에 따라서 매일 퇴근이 불규칙합니다. 우리 모드는 프로젝트를 마무리할 때는 야근을 해야 합니다.

출처 : http://blog.naver.com/two35?Redirect=Log&logNo=90030467268

'ⓔnglish > opic' 카테고리의 다른 글

OPIC 예상 시험 총정리  (0) 2012.07.14
사무실 내부 묘사하기  (0) 2012.06.28
블로그 이미지

뚱땡이 우주인

336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.


-> 묘사하기 문제는 무엇보다 상대방이 들었을 때 머리에 그림을 그릴 수 있을 정도로 효과적으로 설명하는 것이 중요하다. 일단 특정 공간에 대해 큰 윤곽을 전달하고 세부적인 내용을 설명한 후에 분위기에 대해 한두 마디 덧붙이는 형태의 답변이 효과적이다. 사무실 전체가 트인 공간이라고 설명하고 사무기기들이 어떻게 배치되어 있는지 설명한 후에 전반적인 사무실의 밝기에 대해 설명하는 것이 하나의 예가 되겠다.



-> You indicated that you work. Where is your office located? And can you tell me that your office or work space looks like in as much detail as possible?


=> 직장을 다닌다고 말씀하셨습니다. 사무실이 어디에 위치해 있습니까? 사무실이나 근무공간이 어떻게 생겼는지 최대한 자세히 설명해 주십시오.



-> I work at my company headquarters, which is in downtown Seoul. The office I work in is on the tenth floor. I share an openair office space with twenty other co-workers. So while I work, I can see everything that's going on. And there are windows everywhere, which give us a lot of light. Everything is well-organized and easy to find at our office. For example, the photocopiers, printers, and fax machines are all in the middle of the office. There's also a lounge on our floor where we can go and relax.


=> 저는 서울 시내에 위치한 본사에 근무합니다. 제가 근무하는 사무실은 건물 10층에 있습니다. 저는 20여명의 동료들과 함께 트인 사무실 공간을 사용합니다. 그래서 근무하는 동안 사무실에서 무슨 일이 일어나느지 한눈에 알 수 있습니다. 그리고 사무실 여기저기에 창문이 많이 있어서 전반적으로 아주 밝습니다. 우리 사무실은 잘 정리가 되어 있어서 무엇을 찾기가 쉬운 편입니다. 예를 들어, 복사기, 프린터, 팩스들이 모두 사무실 중앙에 위치해 있습니다. 또한 우리 사무실이 위치한 층에는 잠시 가서 쉴 수 있는 휴게실도 있습니다.



-> Our research center is located in downtown Gumi. I work on the fifth floor. One hundred employees share an open-air office space. We have our own cubicles at our office. Our office is very bright, as there are many windows. The photocopiers are in the middle of the office. The fax machine is at the entrance of the office. The printers are at the back of the office. There's also a lounge on our floor where we can go and relax.


=> 우리 연구소는 구미 시내에 있습니다. 저는 5층에서 근무합니다. 100명의 직원들이 트인 사무실 공간을 함께 사용합니다. 우리 사무실은 개별 칸막이 형태로 이루어져 있습니다. 우리 사무실은 창문이 많아서 상당히 밝습니다. 복사기들은 사무실 중앙에 있습니다. 팩스 시계는 사무실 입구 쪽에 있습니다. 프린터들은 사무실 뒤편에 있습니다. 또한 우리 사무실이 위치한 층에는 잠시 가서 쉴수 있는 휴게실도 있습니다.

'ⓔnglish > opic' 카테고리의 다른 글

OPIC 예상 시험 총정리  (0) 2012.07.14
사무실 일과 설명하기  (0) 2012.06.28
블로그 이미지

뚱땡이 우주인
